Farmhouse Mudroom

Here I am at the ‘end’ of my mudroom makeover!  There are always little things left to do, but for now here she is.  The best compliment I got was from my husband who said, ‘this is my favorite project so far’ – which is HUGE since he mostly just rolls his eyes at me when I work on projects (and especially this one since it required an electrician and a carpenter to install a header in the load bearing wall!).

See the last pictures for the real life use of the space!  I think we all know that even if I tried to make it look pretty with a boxwood wreath and a barn wood sign, that would be a lie.  I did not put in a mudroom closet to be pretty.  I put in in because four kids means lots of coats and shoes and the closets were not cutting it!  Also, how much do you love that 1970s doorbell?!